UADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR N810 INTERNET TABLET ======================================================= WARNING: The packet comes with libao in /usr/local/lib. If you already have libao installed at /usr/local/lib, do not install this packet without filtering out the library from the tar packet. First, the binaries can be obtained from: Steps to install uade and libao: 1. cd /usr/local/ 2. tar -xz -f /path/to/uade.2008-06-13.n810.tar.gz 3. Add line "/usr/local/lib" to /etc/ if the line doesn't exist yet. Insert /usr/local/lib to the end of the file, so it doesn't take precedence over /usr/lib files, unless you know what you are doing. 4. ldconfig Done. But, please read following notes on usability and performance.. ON USABILITY AND PERFORMANCE ============================ The graphical shell in the default N810 is rather heavy. uade123 does stdout flooding that stresses the graphical shell to slow down playback. Fortunately, the flooding can be handled by redirecting stdout to /dev/null. Also, uade123 is a hard name to write with N810's native keyboard. Also, /usr/local/bin is not in the default path. Hence, having a wrapper script at /usr/bin/ helps. I created a script named /usr/bin/uade: = BEGINNING OF THE SCRIPT FILE = #!/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/uade123 "$@" > /dev/null = END OF THE SCRIPT FILE = Example usage (play all files in random order from /media/mmc2/chip). uade -zr /media/mmc2/chip I experimented with various uade settings to determine a trade-off between sound quality and performance. Finally, I decided to use options: --filter=none --freq=22050 (and --resampler=default). One can put these into user's default uade.conf by: 1. cd $HOME 2. mkdir .uade2 3. cat > .uade2/uade.conf filter none frequency 22050 ^D (EOF) I experimented with the following command line: time uade123 fc14.arcane-theme -f /dev/null -t20 --OPTIONS The OPTIONS were: --resampler=x --filter=y --freq=z The results are: resampler filter freq (Hz) execution time (s) ---------------------------------------------------------- default a500 44100 19.29 none a500 44100 18.68 default none 44100 11.96 none none 44100 10.97 default none 22050 9.42 none none 22050 8.80 OBTAINING SONGS FOR UADE ======================== If you have rsync installed, you can grab 300 MiBs of Amiga chips by: 1. cd /media/mmc2 2. mkdir chip 3. cd chip 4. rsync -vP . Regards, Heikki Orsila