

This is the true story of what happened to an American hacker who I learnt to know through my board (The Pleasure Dome) and later visited on my USA-tour in the summer of 1991. He had been hacking cards and stuff for a long time, but now he wanted to make some big money...

Date   : Thu Aug 15 04:32:31           Number: 584
To     : Spike                         Recv'd: No
From   : Video Vindicator              Status: Receiver Only
Subject: ME!

Hey... What's up dude? Well, you'll have to give Zike! my regards, but unfortunatly for me I got busted for credit card fraud... So what is happening to me, you ask? NOT SHIT! Hahah I fucking bailed out of jail and TOOK OFF - So now I'm carding across America! Shit, the little laptop computer I'm typing to you on now is carded and so is the hotel room I'm in, and so is the CD I'm listening to, and the fucking clothes I'm wearing! How's that for a crime... Anyways, I'm doing ok, pulling $4000-6000 a week carding. This week (starting Monday), I've already pulled $8500 worth of shit! Hahah! (fuck I'm awesome)... Anyways - wow, looking back I can see the title of the book I'm going to write on all of my exploits -- are you ready.. for...

Autor Note: The names have been changed to protect the guilty,

Hmmm... Shit I'm bored, 4 am, just got done playing a game on my TurboExpress that I carded today... Dogshit fuck cunt licking bitch... Now that I have that off my chest, you should tell Per (=Zike! -Ed) that since he left his new phonenumber convieniently on my answering machine I wouldn't be TOO overly surprised if either a Bailbondsman, Private Investigator, Police officer or even FBI loser call him up (they are all looking for me). Life's a bitch, and then you fuck over the world and become rich and famose and have all the things you want and do whatever you want and listen to whatever you want and go where you want to go and...ahh, I don't fucking know, and you do what ever you damn well please. Ok, well, I'm outta here for a while, if anyone wants to get hold of me, this is the place to do it, since it's about the only place I'm really going to call regularily...ANYWAYS...
Hasta dude-

(staying out of fucking jail!)

A)gain D)elete F)ile R)eply Q)uit (CR)=Next ( 585+594 )?

Who said crime does not pay? Hehe... Well, after he left this message no one heard from him for months. So, naturally everyone though he got busted, but a few weeks ago he called me up and told me he still was free as a bird (or should I say "hadn't been caught yet"?) and he promiced to send me a little gift...

Zike! of C&Z