Whereas you came from a poor or a rich family, it all matter the same. How many a time have you asked yourself these questions all over and again? The questions of "Why am I doing this?" or "What the fuck am I doing?", it as all a matter of time before you start to ask yourself these questions. The younger people on the scene may not agree with me about this, though it will happen sooner or later. Just think about the possibilities! What would life be without your computer? Empty? Remorse? Joy? Anguish? Heartbleeding? Life? Real life?
The real and social life sees the computerfreak as a nerd, an imbecile who has not even got the guts to date or being a "cool dude"! It's sort of a life within life and it's far from real, just think about that! This is a problem everybody has to face, when they say they're into computers. How would it be like to just through away the barriers between the sheltered world called "the scene" and just walk into real life?
This is what you have to face when you quit the scene, but why does it always have to be either "the old story about boy meets girl, girl falls in love with boy" or the drastical ways of getting busted on the same way or another? Few are those that go through this phase in life unscathed and free of any obligations of any kind. It must end sometime and somehow (or by someone!)
Keep asking yourself these questions over and over again, it will somehow not let you quit fully if you're not doing something drastically, like selling you "beloved" (is it?) computer. It is like someone told me a long time ago, it's like a drug and the drug addicts can't quit totally. So, we've just come to the conclusion that we are addicted to "computerdust" (Hm?).
Sooner or later you all come to the point when you are totally tired of it all, but somehow it eats on your guts to stay away from it. This is very rare in a computerfreak to see him "just" tire and give up. Everybody wants to be that "special one everyone looks up to"-dude. This is what it takes to be truly elite, to be the best. To be this "truly elite"-dude, then you can't tire, it's almost inhuman. Humans do have feelings and emotions, but why, oh why give them to a dead object like a computer? It's perverted, it's wrong!
Even though I've been in this scene for far too long for my well-being, I don't come here to say I've got all the answers to all your problems, but it is so that nearly everything that happens to you has happened before and will happen all over again.
There have been different generations of the scene-folk, the first one came a long time before my own, the real pioneers on the scene, those that started with just a lousy computer like ZX81, Dragon 32 or Spectrum 16K (48K later). The ones that came after, are the ones that started it out, my own generation of hackers. It all started on the 64 long time ago in 1983. Though the scene never got started until 84-85, the years the groups started to form from these "one-man-crews to real genuine groups. The year of '86 was the year everybody wanted to start a crew of their own, and on that way it is. I've been on the scene since '85, so I reckon myself among the older ones, but not the oldest ones like those that started out in '83, but then it wasn't much of a scene, so therefore I am.
On this background I've noticed falls of many and yet many on different pitfalls of mind, how many times haven't I thought of quitting, but it stays in for what would I be like without my computer? I know that nowadays I would be like, but do you?