Since the beginning of time greetings have been a word of friendship and
sacred for it's kinship with other people. Extending a word of greeting was
to be polite and offer regards to whomever. In yesterdays "scene" (at the
very least!) it had a meaning of extending admiration of the work people
did. Has it really come to the point where nobody admires anyone anymore?
In today's "scene" the greetings is almost extinct, the traditional idea of "We
send our greetings to" has changed into something more yet perverse and
most very impersonal, it is just "We send our regards to all our friends and
contacts", and then there's nothing to it, no contemplation, none at all! Is
this the way it is supposed to look like? No, HELL NO! Everything is
supposed to be so fast and so good, but is it? Is it really too much to ask for,
to think a couple of seconds and do real greetings in the manner of old?
I dare say that the greetings is the soul of the scene, without it we're nothing!
What is it we strive for, if not admiration? And admiration you do get in the
greeting! Think about that for a change and do your greetings more true! If
you're greeted back, it is a way of expressing that you as well have done right
and are justified.
Now maybe lots of people disagree with me about this, but it is true to the
same remark why you are even here! If you disagree about this, then you'd
better leave the scene, because the "scene" ain't nothing to you. If it has no
meaning, then what has life?
Then there are those that agree with me of course, those that still have the
same kind of ideas as me. I just wonder, isn't it nice to see your own name
onto the greetings? Though as we all know it went from personalism to
those just of group mentioning (this is of course better than most!). Besides,
what really do you know about the dude you're greeting to? It's the whole
of the group, the collective work that counts, the individualist has gone
behind the "scene of scenes".
We are of a different breed of people it seems sometimes, the older people.
More caring about one and another, bickering and fuckings come nowhere.
As one guy told me once: "Never let any war come between your senses,
the very least you want the group you hate is to make it famous, you do
in warring it!" I for one have heeded those words until this day, and
found out that it leads nowhere, a dead end.
That was just one side of greeting, the fuckings. We've got a quite colorful
way of handling the greetings. It seems like sometimes nobody even
bothers to write long scroll-texts and put your soul into it (it is your soul!)
It's really pathetic to see how "the scene" has truly become so twisted. If
you don't pay any attention to your scrollers, who will read them, huh?
Then somebody says "Who cares?", in the end you really do!
(Thanx to ("born to be-")Zike! For the moral support!)