Ar t icle s!

In the latest (and last) issue of Illegal (#38) there was a voted list of "The World's Best Pirates". We though that since we interviewed so many guys from the old days, we just had to have it included in the mag!

I. Best cracker:
1.  Janitor / Triad	29%
2.  Weetibix / SCG	28%
3.  Mr. ZeroPage / TLC	11%
4.  Gollum / FLT	10%
5.  Omega-man/TCS	8%

II. Best cracking group
1.  Ikari			46%
2.  FairLight			12%
3.  Triad			11%
4.  Hotline			10%
5.  Scouse Cracking Group	9%

III. Best programmer:
1.  White / Judges	27%
2.  Mr. Cursor		26%
3.  TMC / Scoop Design	18%	
4.  Omega-man / TCS	12%
5.  Mario van Zeist	8%

IV. Best programming team:
1.  The judges		31%
2.  Scoop Design	24%
3.  Ian & Mic		10%
4.  Ash & Dave		9%
5.  1001 Crew		8%

V. Best demonstration program:
1.  "Think twice" / Judges	31%
2.  "That's the way..." / SD	24%
3.  "Trail Mix" / Soedesoft	11%
4.  "Dual Cassette" / A&D	10%
5.  "Pimplesqueezer / RWD	8%

VI. Best composed track
1.  Green Beret			24%
2.  The Last Ninja II		23%
3.  Cybernoid II		20%
4.  Shadow Fire			13%
5.  Bionic Commands		6% 

VII. Best composer:
1.  Martin Galway		30%
2.  Charles Deenen / MON	22%
3.  Rob Hubbard			20%
4.  Jeroen tel / MON		13%
5.  JCH / Vibrands		6% 

VIII. Best game:
1.  Elite		24%
2.  Pirates		22%
3.  The Last Ninja	18%
4.  Katakis		15%
5.  Ultima V		10%

IX. World's Most Famous Legend:
1.  Eagle Soft Inc.	25%
2.  Triad		24%
3.  Ikari		18%
4.  Strider / FLT	13%
5.  Jeff Smart		11%

X. Greatest Event:
1.  Venlo-meeting December 1988 + TV Show "highscore" +  RadWar party II.  ALL IN ONE DAY! 50%
2.  PCS Show '88				20%
3.  Danish Gold party '87			8%
4.  Ikari-Dominators-Zargon party '89		7%
5.  PCS Show '89				6%

For more neat Illegal stuff, check out the THE TRIAD ILLEGAL ARCHIVES!