
Rygar - Homepage

How did you come up with your alias ?
From that old arcade game (not the Nintendo version, this is important!)

City / Country:

Born year:

What was your first computer, and when did you get it?
C64, 1985. [or, pancakes game & watch: around 1982!]

How did you get into the scene and what groups have you been a member of ?
I have absolutely no idea, but it has something to do with "turbo tapes", "disk wizard", "1200/75 splitspeed modem" and lots of recycled stamps & envelopes. uhh

Groups: lots of different crap ones and most recently Science 451... I also "ventured" into the world of 16-bit consoles a while ago. Anyone remember a group called Lynch mob? I guess not. also, Explorers & Vortex 42 earlier in the 80's.

What was the proudest moment in your career ?
Career? Proudest moment? Well, I guess I have to say that must have been when I learned how to hex-edit other peoples stuff (???)

For what specific reason(s) do you think that you are remembered ?
Having my name everywhere for a very long period of time. Yeah, thats. it. ...and all those scrolltexts.

What would you like to be remembered for ?
For being well 'ard

What made you stop the scene activity ? (and do you remember when?)
I quit c64 back in 1990... just a few weeks ago I learned there are still alot of people/groups programming on it. how about that? hm...

Thinking back on the good old days, is there anything you regret?
Not getting a decent hair cut earlier. (?) All those letterbombs.
Other than that: No!

What was your favorite
Stroker 64 or Spyhunter.

Something by the Judges or 1001 crew. I cant remember any names, since someone broke into my house and stole most of my tapes and disks.

Savros Fasoulas, bwb, and anyone else who made playable games.

Mr.Z - a real legend. Mitch/ESI and "a touch of class" (major theft)

Rob Hubbards "early work" (most of his last pieces were shitty, and the stuff he does for ea nowadays is pretty "sucky-sucky" aswell. also that guy in "classic", Dezecrator. (on amiga)

Lightforce / Rasputin / Thrust / Knucklebusters. All by Rob Hubbard.

That Danish Gold party back in 1987 where 1000 people tried to fit into a scout cabin that was about as big as my living room. That was pretty kool. Yep. Triad party in Huddinge 1987 was fun aswell!

To quote a Beavis & Butthead episode: Oh my, the stories i could tell you... (cant think of anything in particular. See above) No wait, another answer to this question could be: when I met Zike!

Coca cola light, water, laktosmjölk, vademecum

What are you doing nowadays ?
Trying to run some kind of import business.

What are you doing on your spare time?
Watch movies / play games on the PSX / PC. trying to keep in "shape"... etc...

Is there anything you'd like to say to the public (read: admires)
Yeah! Meet me on IRC, in #snes ... I'm on there alot. All my shell accts seems to have been deleted lately though, so don’t expect to see me too often. And if you are looking for old s451 demos, try an ftp-search on the web, I did, and found lots. Amiga demos aswell. pretty kool. blah blah blah

What is the meaning of life?
To sit on IRC and "kill" people. Or something.