
Handle: Mr. Z

Born year:

What was your first computer and when did you get it?
C64, 1983

Groups you've been in:
A renegade before joining Triad.

The proudest moment in your career:
Aworded to the BEST cracker at the Danish Gold party in '86.

Most loved/hated person(s)/group(s):
The people I have worked with I do respect.

What are you doing nowadays?
I've nothing to do with the scene anymore. I'm more seriously into computers nowadays, mainly on the PC. (He is studying (might me done by now) to become a civil engeneer. In the same class as Il Scuro of DefJam -Ed)

Favorite beer:
As good as any!

Free comment:
I've now quite the scene totally. I really hate to have anything to do with the scene, therefore refused to fill out the questionary (though a sort of a phone interview made it possible -Ed). Today everybody's personality is vanished behind a handle. I solomly hate to use an handle instead of a name, makes it more personal. Nowadays it's just groups, groups and groups! Even the handle is vanished behind the groups.