Now, that's a tricky one. Matcham, I think it was.
Current age:
Subtract one from twenty-three (back in 1992, when this interview for In Medias Res #1 was
conducted. Just got hold of the (snail-mail) address, so you can hopefully expect a more up dated
version in the near future.-Ed)
What was your first computer and when did you get it?
I have strong reasons to believe it was one of those popular gray ones. My time of redemption (slightly
exaggerating) was late 1983.
Groups you've been in:
You could say my policy is being a one-group person. Perhaps you even remember the name of this group?
The proudest moment in your career:
Truthfully, this was at the time - May '87 - when I, Matcham, was a complete unknown. Upon shipping Joost
Honig (of 1001 crew) a copy of my Time Cruncher V3.0, he returned with a letter stating "cool to see that there
are other good programmers on the planet". I felt SO happy. Thinking back, I must have read it about twenty
Most loved/hated person(s)/group(s):
Well, I never liked TMC for being the first to remove the text screen on my packer. What I did love though, was
receiving those long letters from, let's say, Honey, Janitor, Swyx and also Weetibix.
What are you doing nowadays?
Come and see me in Trondheim, Norway, at the "Norwegian Technical Highschool" where I supposedly am
studying to one day become a civil engineer in computer technology.
Favorite beer:
No, gimme a break, will yah? Has anybody ever heard about "Lysholmen" on the continent? I had to pick and
choose here.
Free comment:
Ok, one of the things I remember the most from the scene was the poetic phrases included in most of Eagle Soft's
cracks. Jolly jungle, that was cool! And, of course, regards to you for not passing out while reading this crap!