
Handle: MAD ALL - / -Homepage

How did you come up with your alias ?
MAD coz people sais I was, ALL from Allan

City / Country:

Born year:

What was your first computer, and when did you get it?

How did you get into the scene and what groups have you been a member of ?
I started when I was 13 in 1981, the c64 was really very young. I was a copier for two very rich guys who called themselves DARKSKIN, they both sold their 64's to get the fresh Amiga 1000, which the had to import from Germany coz it was still so excluvise. They paid over 3000 Dollars for one of those machines and left me their 64 contacts legacy. I created my own group COMMANDO, together with some local friends. After a while I met some people from other Belgian groups and we desided to form ONE BIG group, to become the best and biggest in Belgium. We had the sad task of cutting down the three groups 20+ membership to just 10. The three groups were After Midnight Crackers (AMC brussels) NEW FRONTIER (French speking part of Belgium) and COMMANDO (Dutch speaking part of Belgium). We created COMMANDO FRONTIER (CFR) and had the whole country covered. The rest is history (he so humbly wrote) :-)

What was the proudest moment in your career ?
Tough one..hmm getting greetings in California Games from Eagle Soft as one of the few Demo only groups to be greeted by them EVER.. Being mentioned in Commodore User, having my then highschool begging me for software (probably this one)

For what specific reason(s) do you think that you are remembered ?
As the great communicator, translating for everyone at copy parties (still fluent in 6 languages) or maybe as one of the scenes most famous no-talent..really I couldn't do anything, I was just very good at publc relations, couldn't code, couldn't crack, couldn't draw..but boy could I talk :-) Or maybe for my articels in Illegal magazine

What would you like to be remembered for ?
For getting a tiny group in a tiny country to the big time.

What made you stop the scene activity ? (and do you remember when?)
Do I ever !!! 1987 September I was charged with evading taxes because people sent money to my PO box to get the Illegal issues..after that I hated computers and didn't touch them for 8 years.

Thinking back on the good old days, is there anything you regret?
There were not enough pictures taken, not enough memories saved..we had a great brotherhood, only the software remains today...sad that it's our only legacy.

What was your favorite
Delta by Stavros Fasoulas incredible !!!

Think Twice 2 by the Judges

1001 crew, Judges, TMC had his moments too

Probably Mr. Zeropage and Janitor



I loved BUBULAND's IRON MAIDEN PICS in our demos, call me biased.

The London PCW show and the Venlo meeting both in the same year (help me here forgot the year aaaaaaaargh ALZHEIMER)

The very good friends I made, in letters, on the phone and at meetings. The dozens of people that I will never get to meet that were such a big part of my life for half a decade.

Vodka-Red Bull or Southern Comfort or Margharitas

What are you doing nowadays ?
Part time writer and languages teacher, what else ??

What are you doing on your spare time?
Racing my sportscar and internetting.

Is there anything you'd like to say to the public (read: admires)
1/ Piracy is killing software...haha remember that one..
2/ No I can't get you in the top ten of Illegal's best groups.
3/ Madness is not a disease it's a commodity (look it up !! HA)

What is the meaning of life?
DUDE ! If you have to ask, you'll never find out.