Z!, It used to be Ziggy and before that it was Ziggy Stardust. - Homepage
How did you come up with your alias ?
I really used to dig David Bowie! Shame! ;)
City / Country:
South Beach, (just down from Sydney) Australia.
Born year:
What was your first computer, and when did you get it?
C=128D, First off German production the line in 1985! I got it for my
birthday the first year of high school. (13th birthday) -no need to say I failed
school exams that year!
How did you get into the scene and what groups have you been a member of ?
The Excellence Crew was my first group. It was lame but fun. We held the
first national copy-party in Oz, called Illegal '89. It was cool. Except
that because Australia is so big it took a lot of guys a lot of money to
make it to the party place! Some important dudes could't make it either
like Deviet of WOT or Rock Kid of QCF.
After that I joined ATOM (A French demo group) and also design division
(a sub group of Atom) for a short time and then I joined the group I
would stay with the most which was The Force.
What was the proudest moment in your career ?
Probably the 3rd place at Illegal '89. After that it was mainly
releasing demos out of the blue and not at parties, thus I just had fun
just coding and mail-traiding and stuff.
For what specific reason(s) do you think that you are remembered ?
Intense Laziness ;)
What would you like to be remembered for ?
Intense Laziness and spaghetti code.
What made you stop the scene activity ? (and do you remember when?)
I got kicked out of home for a year or so and had to settle down. I had
quite a crazy teenage time and did many stupid things! MANY stupid
Thinking back on the good old days, is there anything you regret?
Not being a little more active and not being older/more educated when
the scene was most active. After learning how to really code at
University, I found that the scene was dead... Now I code demos on PC
and SGI instead! Oh well...
What was your favorite
Io - AWESOME graphics for the 64...
Delta - groovy gameplay
Cybernoid - LOTS of fun.
Last Ninja: Shit gameplay, stunning graphics, Exponential complexity!
ECA Last title (for nostalgia reasons)
Wonderland 7, 8 and 9 by Censor Designs
The Dexion demo from the Triangle compo in 1988. I just have a thing
about it.
The Papillons last demo (again for nostalgia)
Deviet of WOT. A man ahead of his time.
NIR P of The Force!
Mr Zero Page
Mr. Cursor
...the usual lot...
Crest for good slick consistant style
Sid Chip Scratchers (Guy S)
the composer from Empire (USA) was great!
old Dexion tunes and
and also Edwin from 20CC
My one favourite song is by MON - cannot remember the name of the tune.
Illegal '89.
Spending hours on the phone having conferences with dudes all over the
world thanks to Colwyn/TF!!! hehehe!
What are you doing nowadays ?
I work at Wollongong University teaching/repairing computers for the
multimedia course whilst I finish 2 degrees (Batchelor of Computer
Science and Batchelor of Creative Arts [Multimedia/design]) and do demos
and music and graphics and web pages when I have the time too...
What are you doing on your spare time?
I like to surf at the beach across the road and spend time with my
girlie and go out to clubs and DJ Jungle and deep house and listen to
Jazz and be silly.
Is there anything you'd like to say to the public (read: admires)
I don't like public statements but I will say- Don't pollute the oceans,
it is the source of life. and no, I am not a hippie!
What is the meaning of life?
Minute differentiation recursion. IE: Fractal patterns making up more
than just the physical world... also the emotional and relational world.
This is why people thought that there was a collective unconcious, there
is not, there is a similar pattern from which all recursion springs
which generates the illusion of a collective unconcious: instead it is
the inverse...