Red Devil of Dual Crew & Shining
How did you come up with your alias ?
Sorry Its not as original as most guys, but it just came about cos I am a
Man Utd fan. I had to change it from my old handle, Rastan, because I thought
that was too unoriginal.. !?!?
City / Country:
Darlaston, near Wolverhampton, which is (Yes Tony, Giampierro and Yves, thats
near Birmingham! =)
Born year:
1974. In March, in case any kind soul fancies sending me a birthday card?
What was your first computer, and when did you get it?
Blahh... bad question.. A C=16 of all things... I STILL cant think of a good
reason why I bought that when the C64 was sooo popular at the time. Nevertheless
that was my first, then of course I went through the natural progression to C64
and then to the to Amiga.
How did you get into the scene and what groups have you been a member of ?
I got into the scene really just beacause I was tired of using my computer for
playing games on. So I had a look at Dpaint and loved it. I still do, although
its showing its age thesedays (WHY didnt v5 be 100% 24bit compliant?!?!?)
Firstly, I started my own group (as you do) called Darkstar where I did some
compilations (as you do when you're a newcomer). Then I went on to a group
who's name I won't mention due to embarrasment. Splatt and some other UK guys
will know who I'm talking about ..(hint PE). After that I went into The Silents
then Warflacons, Genestealers, Wizzcat, Dual Crew and then of course into
Dual Crew^Shining. Its a shame about DCS really you know, because we have
more talent in the group as far as programmers, musicians and artists (both 2d,
like Iridon, Mutant and Dark, and 3d, like Snuskis and myself) to 1. rule the
demo scene or 2. start the BEST games company you could imagine! But there you
go. Thats what the demoscene's like. Poeple grow up and onwards. Into Uni or
work, or even just lazy...or all three!!!
What was the proudest moment in your career ?
Hmm.. Career in the scene? Funny word but I know what you mean... hmm. Theres
3 really... Being voted #1 artist in Grapevine was quite nice. That was in the
days when I had a lot of respect for LSD. In their EARLY days when Grapevine
was a single part mag all about the UK. Being voted into the Eurochart was also
quite nice. Especially as I've never entered a party gfx competition or had
any gfx used in a trackmo. (Too many lazy DCS coders =). Also hearing from
Morph and Zaz that our intro won the ECES party demo competition. That was top.
A routine that had never been seen before (Thomas Landsburg did something
similar though), a top tune by Morph and a poor logo that I drew on a b&w TV.
For what specific reason(s) do you think that you are remembered ?
Infamously for being good friends with Maximilien, Zool and Mascot =)
And being known by Swedish guys as Rob the Cameraman (Cevin Key, Elric, Mascot,
Stookie and Snuskis), Rob the Lasermannen (I think GNN called me that..or was it
Twister?!?!) and Rob/Brob/Lover(!?!?!)/Rob the Hooligan (Snuskis' variety of
names for me!)
Unfortunately I was a little too lazy to finish many pictures and was sorta
hampered by a lack of coders to work with to have been known for doing graphics
in the scene.
What made you stop the scene activity ? (and do you remember when?)
I havent really. If any active coders want some quality raytraced animations,
(and were NOT talking checkerboards and balls here!) then let me know. I might
just feel like helping you out!
Thinking back on the good old days, is there anything you regret?
Yeah, not doing enough organising of DCS' English section!
What was your favorite
Goal, Space Harrier, Commando
Andromeda's stuff is ALWAYS nicely put together!
Shining's stuff was also top!
Crystal, PDX =)
Romeo Knight, Nightshade/CRS, WOTW, Tim Follin
and Heatbeat. (His tune from Love&Anarchy (I
think thats what it was called) was EXCELLENT!)
A lot of guys took my eye here. Bustman's original style, Iridon and Facet's
lovely colours (Hi Martin!), Hein Design's quality. Fairfax's workrate was
phenomenal. Krest, Mystic and $corch were all top guys and great artists- and my
favourite was Havok. Steves stuff was always top- I cant w8 to see Alien
Trilogy! Hof and Rhah were Cantona and Ginola of France- Absolutely immaculate
designs and implementation. Then I also respect Cruiser, Peachy, Globe, Kris,
Fade One, Stratos, Ertmann Toball and Cougar.
Cherry 7up
What are you doing nowadays ?
Working like a dog on Lightwave and Softimage making game graphics.
What are you doing on your spare time?
Playing footy, watching footy, eating footy, sleeping footy
Is there anything you'd like to say to the public (read: admires)
Yeah, there is. I just want to make a social point. I realise that people
have to pay taxes to the governments of their respective countries to pay for
those that are less fortunate, for public services and so on. I dont mind that
at all. But what I DO object to is paying out nearly 1/3 of my pay packet, that
I have worked DAMN hard for, for fucking dolies that don't wanna get involved
in society. People that leave school and ponce off the state. People that have
NO inclination to work or pay their way in a civilised society. I have no time
for them and it REALLY upsets me to see these leeches takign everyones hard
earned money for nothing.
On a lighter note, yeah I'd just like to say to everyone thinking of selling up
and quitting the scene. It is what you make of it and it's not about releases or
who's the best or whos the lamest. It's who is cool and who is a nice guy/girl
that is what counts. Dont be a fuckign asshole and think you're some kind of
egotistical, Elitest God either or people will just think you're an asshole and
punch you in at the next party!
Also, Ive lost touch with a lot of old friends due to work and due to having my
phone number changed recently due to moving onto cable, so If anyone I used to
know in either scene reads this, leave me an E-mail guys and get in touch!
Remember also.... Amiga rules!
Not ruling so much now.. but still rules!
What is the meaning of life?
Life, Love and Laugh!
Digital Candy BBS +44 (0)191 232 5527 (6 nodes)
Give it a try!!