Simulated Annealing task mapping algorithm

This is a reference implementation for the Simulated Annealing task mapping algorithm presented in
  1. Heikki Orsila, "Optimizing Algorithms for Task Graph Mapping on Multiprocessor System on Chip", PhD Thesis, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Computer Systems, 2011.
  2. Heikki Orsila, Erno Salminen, Timo D. Hämäläinen, "Parameterizing Simulated Annealing for Distributing Kahn Process Networks on Multiprocessor SoCs", Symposium on System-on-Chip, Tampere, Finland, October 5-7, 2009.
  3. Heikki Orsila, Tero Kangas, Erno Salminen, Timo D. Hämäläinen, "Parameterizing Simulated Annealing for Distributing Task Graphs on Multiprocessor SoCs", International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2006, Tampere, Finland, November 14-16, 2006, pp. 73-76.
The algorithm is implemented in C. It can be compiled and run as a standalone program on GNU/Linux systems. It is available as a zip archive. The C code is presented below.

Simulated Annealing task mapping algorithm in C

/* Simulated annealing task mapping algorithm
 * The algorithm was written by Heikki Orsila <> in 2011.
 * The code is in public domain. You may do anything you want with the code.
 * General overview of the problem and algorithm is presented in [1], [2]
 * and [3]:
 * [1] Heikki Orsila, Erno Salminen, Timo D. Hamalainen,
 * "Parameterizing Simulated Annealing for Distributing Kahn Process
 * Networks on Multiprocessor SoCs", Symposium on System-on-Chip,
 * Tampere, Finland, October 5-7, 2009.
 * [2] Heikki Orsila, "Optimizing Algorithms for Task Graph Mapping on
 * Multiprocessor System on Chip", PhD Thesis, Tampere University of
 * Technology, Department of Computer Systems, 2011.
 * [3] Heikki Orsila, Tero Kangas, Erno Salminen, Timo D. Hamalainen,
 * "Parameterizing Simulated Annealing for Distributing Task Graphs on
 * Multiprocessor SoCs", International Symposium on System-on-Chip
 * 2006, Tampere, Finland, November 14-16, 2006, pp. 73-76.
 * Notice that the objective function is dummy. It does not work
 * properly with the autotemp() function. Autotemp() is intended to
 * work properly when execution time is optimized. The objective
 * function should be a simulator that determines the execution time
 * for a mapping.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <math.h>

#define MAX(a, b) (((a) >= (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

#define NPES 2
#define NTASKS 32
#define PE_FREQ 100000000


struct mapping {
        /* Number of PEs */
        unsigned int npes;
        /* number of abstract operations per second for each PE */
        double *peperf;

        unsigned int ntasks;
        unsigned int *mappings; /* contains PE id for each task */

        /* number of abstract computation operations for each task */
        unsigned int *ops;
        int *isstatic;

struct sa;

struct sa {
        unsigned int L;

        double T0;
        double Tf;
        double Tt;
        double temperature_coefficient;
        double normalization_coefficient;

        double (*acceptor)(double dE, double T, const struct sa *params);
        void (*move)(struct mapping *Snew, const struct mapping *S);
        double (*objective)(const struct mapping *S);
        double (*schedule)(double T, const struct sa *params);

static int randfd = -1;
static double randdmax;

static void *xmalloc(size_t size)
        void *p = malloc(size);
        assert(p != NULL);
        return p;

static void *xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
        void *p = calloc(nmemb, size);
        assert(p != NULL);
        return p;

static void copy_mapping(struct mapping *Starget, const struct mapping *S)
        size_t mappingssize = S->ntasks * sizeof(S->mappings[0]);
        assert(Starget->ntasks == S->ntasks);
        memcpy(Starget->mappings, S->mappings, mappingssize);

static struct mapping *fork_mapping(const struct mapping *S)
        size_t mappingssize = S->ntasks * sizeof(S->mappings[0]);
        struct mapping *Snew = xmalloc(sizeof *Snew);
        *Snew = *S;
        Snew->mappings = xmalloc(mappingssize);
        memcpy(Snew->mappings, S->mappings, mappingssize);
        return Snew;

static void free_mapping(struct mapping *S)
        memset(S, 0, sizeof *S);

static void print_mapping(const struct mapping *S)
        int taskid;
        for (taskid = 0; taskid < S->ntasks; taskid++)
                printf("%d ", S->mappings[taskid]);

static double randd(double a, double b)
        ssize_t ret;
        char buf[8];
        uint64_t u;

        if (randfd < 0) {
                randfd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
                randdmax = pow(2.0, 64.0);

        assert(randfd >= 0);

        ret = read(randfd, buf, sizeof buf);
        assert(ret == 8);

        memcpy(&u, buf, sizeof u);
        return a + (((double) u) / randdmax) * (b - a);

static unsigned int randui(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
        assert(a <= b);
        return a + randd(0.0, 1.0) * (b - a);

 * A dummy objective function that tries to balance execution time load
 * on PEs. The objective value is 1E-6 + maxload - minload,
 * where maxload is the total execution time on a PE that is most loaded,
 * and minload is the total execution time on a PE that is least loaded.
 * Therefore, objective reaches minimum == 1E-6 when minload == maxload.
static double dummy_objective(const struct mapping *S)
        double *peload = xcalloc(S->npes, sizeof peload[0]);
        unsigned int taskid;
        unsigned int peid;
        double minload;
        double maxload;
        double time;

        for (taskid = 0; taskid < S->ntasks; taskid++) {
                peid = S->mappings[taskid];
                time = S->ops[taskid] / S->peperf[peid];
                peload[S->mappings[taskid]] += time;

        minload = maxload = peload[0];
        for (peid = 1; peid < S->npes; peid++) {
                minload = MIN(minload, peload[peid]);
                maxload = MAX(maxload, peload[peid]);
        return 1E-6 + maxload - minload;

static void move_one_task(struct mapping *Snew, const struct mapping *S)
        unsigned int taskid;
        unsigned int peid;

        copy_mapping(Snew, S);

         * Move random task to a random PE so that the new PE is different
         * than the current one.
        taskid = randui(0, S->ntasks);
        peid = randui(0, S->npes - 1);
        if (peid >= Snew->mappings[taskid])
        if (Snew->isstatic[taskid] == 0)
                Snew->mappings[taskid] = peid;

static double exponential_acceptor(double dE, double T, const struct sa *params)
        double exponent;
        double divisor = params->normalization_coefficient * T;
        if (divisor < DIVISOR_LOWER_LIMIT)
                return 0.0;
        exponent = -dE / divisor;
        if (exponent >= 0)
                return 1.0;
        return exp(exponent);

static double geometric_schedule(double T, const struct sa *params)
        return params->temperature_coefficient * T;

struct mapping *simulated_annealing(struct mapping *S0, const struct sa *params)
        unsigned int k = 0;
        unsigned int rejects = 0;
        double E;
        double Ebest;
        double Enew;
        struct mapping *S;
        struct mapping *Sbest;
        struct mapping *Snew;
        double diff;
        double T = params->T0;

        E = params->objective(S0);
        Ebest = E;
        S = fork_mapping(S0);
        Sbest = fork_mapping(S0);
        Snew = fork_mapping(S0);

        while (1) {
                printf("Accepted objective: %f\n", E);
                params->move(Snew, S);
                Enew = params->objective(Snew);
                diff = Enew - E;
                if (diff < 0 || randd(0, 1.0) < params->acceptor(diff, T, params)) {
                        copy_mapping(S, Snew);
                        E = Enew;
                        if (Enew < Ebest) {
                                copy_mapping(Sbest, Snew);
                                Ebest = Enew;
                                printf("A new best solution found: %f\n", params->objective(Sbest));
                        rejects = 0;
                } else if (T <= params->Tf) {
                        if (T <= params->Tt || rejects >= params->L)

                if (k == params->L) {
                        T = params->schedule(T, params);
                        k = 0;


        return Sbest;

/* double comparator for qsort */
static int compare_double(const void *a, const void *b)
        const double *x = a;
        const double *y = b;
        if (x < y)
                return -1;
        if (y < x)
                return 1;
        return 0;

 * Compute the initial and final temperature with the automatic
 * temperature selection algorithm presented in:
 * Heikki Orsila, Erno Salminen, Timo D. Hamalainen, "Parameterizing
 * Simulated Annealing for Distributing Kahn Process Networks on
 * Multiprocessor SoCs", Symposium on System-on-Chip, Tampere,
 * Finland, October 5-7, 2009.
static void autotemp(struct sa *params, const struct mapping *S)
        const int pivotpercentage = 5;
        const double k = 2.0;
        int i;
        double perf;
        double maxperf;
        double minperf;
        double time;
        double maxtime = 0.0;
        double mintime = 1E10;
        double maxsum = 0.0;
        double minsum = 0.0;
        double *cycles;
        double pivotvalue;

        /* Compute minimum and maximum operations per second for PEs */
        minperf = 1E10;
        maxperf = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < S->npes; i++) {
                perf = S->peperf[i]; /* Get operations/s value for the PE */
                assert(perf > 0);
                minperf = MIN(perf, minperf);
                maxperf = MAX(perf, maxperf);

        /* For each process, compute sum of computation cycles */
        cycles = xmalloc(sizeof(cycles[0]) * S->ntasks);
        assert(cycles != NULL);
        for (i = 0; i < S->ntasks; i++)
                cycles[i] = S->ops[i];

        /* Note, sorting cycles array does not break the algorithm */
        qsort(cycles, S->ntasks, sizeof(cycles[0]), compare_double);

        for (i = 0; i < S->ntasks; i++) {
                time = cycles[i] / maxperf;
                minsum += time;

                mintime = MIN(mintime, time);

                time = cycles[i] / minperf;
                maxsum += time;

                maxtime = MAX(maxtime, time);

        pivotvalue = cycles[(S->ntasks * pivotpercentage) / 100] / maxperf;
        mintime = MAX(mintime, pivotvalue);

        cycles = NULL;

        mintime = MAX(mintime, 1.0 / maxperf);
        assert(maxtime > 0.0);

        params->T0 = MIN(k * maxtime / minsum, 1.0);
        params->Tf = MIN(mintime / (k * maxsum), 1.0);
        params->Tt = params->Tf / 2;

        assert(params->T0 > 0.0);
        assert(params->Tf > 0.0);
        assert(params->Tt > 0.0);
        assert(params->T0 >= params->Tf);
        assert(params->Tf >= params->Tt);

        printf("SA_autotemp: k: %e T0: %.9f Tf: %.9f\n", k, params->T0, params->Tf);

static void initialize_parameters(struct sa *params, const struct mapping *S)
        *params = (struct sa) {.L = S->ntasks * (S->npes - 1),
                               .temperature_coefficient = 0.95,
                               .acceptor = exponential_acceptor,
                               .move = move_one_task,
                               .objective = dummy_objective,
                               .schedule = geometric_schedule,

        params->normalization_coefficient = 0.5 * params->objective(S);

        autotemp(params, S);

struct mapping *create_mapping(unsigned int npes, unsigned int ntasks)
        unsigned int taskid;
        unsigned int peid;
        struct mapping *S = xmalloc(sizeof(struct mapping));

        assert(npes > 0);
        assert(ntasks > 0);

        S->npes = npes;
        S->ntasks = ntasks;

        S->peperf = xmalloc(S->npes * sizeof S->peperf[0]);
        for (peid = 0; peid < S->npes; peid++)
                S->peperf[peid] = PE_FREQ;

        S->mappings = xcalloc(S->ntasks, sizeof S->mappings[0]);

        S->ops = xmalloc(S->ntasks * sizeof S->ops[0]);
        for (taskid = 0; taskid < S->ntasks; taskid++)
                S->ops[taskid] = 1000 + (taskid * 1111) % 4000;

        S->isstatic = xcalloc(S->ntasks, sizeof S->isstatic[0]);
        S->isstatic[0] = 1; /* task 0 is stays on the initial mapping */

        return S;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        struct sa params;
        struct mapping *S0 = create_mapping(NPES, NTASKS);
        struct mapping *Sf;
        double C0;
        double Cf;

        initialize_parameters(&params, S0);

        /* Sf is the optimized mapping */
        Sf = simulated_annealing(S0, &params);

        C0 = params.objective(S0);
        Cf = params.objective(Sf);
        printf("Initial objective: %f\n", C0);
        printf("Final objective: %f\n", Cf);
        printf("Gain: %.3f\n", C0 / Cf);

        printf("Final mapping: ");

        return 0;