xmms-1.2.8-disk_writer-patch.diff enhances the disk writer plugin. This patch is compatible with xmms-1.2.7 too. USAGE: cd xmms-1.2.8 patch -p0 < /path/to/xmms-1.2.8-disk_writer-patch.diff Doesn't matter if you run configure before or after the patch. Of course preferably you'll patch before configure. EXPLANATION: The old plugin didn't handle filetype _prefixes_ correctly. By checking the box "Output filename = ..." from the plugin configuration all outputted wav files will be named as: previous_filename.wav. Note that this is different from old behaviour. If there was a file 'mod.my_song', the old plugin created a file 'mod.wav', which is wrong. Now it creates 'mod.my_song.wav'. I would even argue that the new behaviour should be the default behaviour. (don't worry, it isn't :-) shd / uade team heikki orsila heikki.orsila@ee.tut.fi http://ee.tut.fi/~heikki/