Songs from Wings of Death, levels 1-7, by Jochen Hippel. Converted into a custom player by shd / uade team on 2003.04.07. As far I know there is no generic hippel coso player that player level songs from Wings of Death well. Hence I decided to make a custom version, ripping the playroutine from the game. The playroutine used in WOD clearly differs from many HIPC players. Supports song end. Total playtime is approximately 23 minutes:) Subsong list: 1 level 1 sub 1 2 level 1 sub 2 3 level 2 4 level 3 5 level 4 6 level 5 7 level 6 8 level 7 Tested on uade and some other players. Enjoy. md5sums: a8198fab943d68ef6bc970627378ee6c cust.WingsOfDeath-Levels1-7 0c263e8f1d01915e8f3cab04ae64a70c cust.WingsOfDeath-Levels1-7.asm shd / uade team heikki orsila